The Riley Cars Archive Heritage Trust (RCAHT).
Over the last 18-months the RCAHT have secured a 5-year lease on Unit 8 at the Coventry Canal Basin, St Nicholas Street, Coventry. CV1 4LY. With Covid-19 restrictions beginning to be eased it is anticipated that Unit 8 will be open to the general public soon for at least 2-days per week. A refurbishment programme is underway to make the RCAHT headquarters welcoming and informative.
Contracts have been signed to develop a new RCAHT dedicated website – – and its associated Archive database. The Archive material from the Riley Motor Club (RMC) is currently being digitised and the images uploaded into the database. Both the website and Archive will be live by the end of June 2021.
We will soon be in a position to accept further donations or loan of material to be digitised. If you have any material you would like to go into the Archive, please let us know. We are also looking for volunteers to help with the Archive.
The RCAHT has recently bought a Riley Elf which will be used as part of the “Classic Car Loan Project”; this is all part of the educational remit of the Trust.
The Percy Riley Replica car was unveiled at Coventry’s Transport museum in November 2019 followed by the NEC Classic Car show and the King Henry V111 school where “PR” was a pupil.
Please use our mailbox – – for any communications, donations of Riley material, offers of help on the Archive or any feedback on the website and Archive.We look forward to hearing from you.
Written by Martin Collisson, RCAHT Comms and Publicity CMS & Digitisation Project Lead